Trodat 4800 Trodat 4810 Trodat 4820 Trodat 4817 Self Ink Stock Line Daters. Select your choice by clicking proper button below. These Trodat Line daters are designed to stamp in a small spaces. The 4800 stamps a small date about 3/32 inch tall and 1-3/32 inch long. The 4810 stamps a small date about 1/8 inch tall and 1-1/8 inch long. The 4820 stamps a small date about 5/32 inch tall and 1-1/4 inch long. The 4817 stamps a date about 1/8 inch tall and has a rotating band of words to to the left which include: Answered, Checked, Back Ordered, Delivered, Canceled, Entered, Billed, Paid, Received, Shipped, Charged, Faxed. These Trodat 4800 Trodat 4810 Trodat 4820 and Trodat 4817 Self Ink Line Daters are very small but very durable daters. Black ink only available.